Kongregate Wiki
Continuous Games forum

Continuous Games forum
Screenshot (Jun. 14, 2020)

Continuous Games forum long
Screenshot (Jun. 14, 2020)

Section Non-gaming
Path ForumsForum Games → Forum Games / Continuous Games
URL Link

"Play continuous games here!"
— Forum Description

The Continuous Games forum is a subforum of the Forum Games forum created for internet forum games with gameplay that have the characteristic of being continuous nature; i.e. can be played infinitely in theory.


Continuous Games[]

While virtually all games in the subforum can be continuously played to prolong the 'life' in the game, a two post cooldown rule is in place for every game bar a few exceptions such as the popular Hangman game. This rule prevents users from making a post unless at least two other users have posted before their last post. The reason for this rule being in place is to prevent two users continuously posting one after another in a 'spammy' fashion.

Most games follow the format as such:

Player 1: Post A

Player 2: Post B (Based on information of Post A)

Player 3: Post C (Based on information of Post B)

The following are a list of the most enduring and/or popular of the Continuous Games:
