Hello there! This is Home Grown (formerly known as Home!)
Home was originally created by for Josten.
Room Owners/Moderators
Current moderators that are online most of the time.
- Destan - The chatroom's King Quail. He is nice and easy to talk to.
- diabolotry
- HookedonOnyx
- Kintay
- JTtheLlama
- UltimateChaos
Former ROs/Mods
Authority that hasn't been active in the past months.
- FishesWithKeys
- I_am_a_Jelly
- JaelieBean
- Josten (First RO)
- Live2Die
- Main135s
- Maraklov
- Mortyman
- Serendipity2009
The people you'll find chatting regularly.
- death46 Vipe
- IFUPT Aiden
- pantherprints One of the room's many stalkers, likes the taste of human flesh, humans eat inferior species all the time, so why can't she?
- t55656n- ("T5-sama") I am T, lord of the jumbless. Master of cardigans and scarer of kittens...
- ViiPeer- Diplomatic Supreme leader of the United Provinces of Mexicania. Doesn't really come to home much any more.
Former Regs
Users that very infrequently or never get on chat.
- AdamBoosh
- Adinoydinosaur
- Alinon
- AlphaWolfKiller1
- Angelman190
- aquaprofile
- Ares_Coltelli
- BoogerJoe
- Angelwolf1234
- Decemberdragon
- doga55
- Doom287
- Dragogod5
- Elmstar
- FunSize776
- funnymouth
- GamerKate
- HipsterZombie14
- ILunarI
- insclidera
- KHD02
- liam_payne_lover
- Lifeisacarride
- Livelypopularssj
- LowResZero
- Lspeed98
- mewnite9
- Ms_Dragon
- nathanstone14
- Need4Pwning
- Numailia
- rageangeles101
- rbstat
- RinkuYakisback
- snowpeltcat
- Soaponarope1
- theawesometwin
- thepandypandas
- UpVoter
- Vachon1234
- Vallintino
- Wario5000
- Wolffang46
- x911sniper
- xan34
- xBailey