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Legends of Kong
Legends of Kong
Name Legends of Kong
Author nerdook
Genre Action
Published 2011-09-29
In-Game Awards? Yes
Gameplay Style Action Platformer
Upgrade System? Yes

Legends of Kong is an RPG/side-scrolling action game. It features several of the people behind Kongregate.


An action platformer RPG from Nerdook! Lead your party across a randomly generated city, and play the way you want! You can be violent, stealthy, or anything in between. With 96 upgrades, 36 weapons, and a variety of characters, can you save the city from a mysterious villain?


Even though the game is a side-view platformer, you can walk through all the screens on the ground. Jumping up the platforms only serves to collect items and attack more zombies. You start out with only one character, Jim Greer. You can gain additional characters and characters can be killed, but you can't lose Jim. You can equip 2 of any weapons you might have found on a level and four of any equipable skills and they all have different attributes. On each level, you fight your way through the zombies and other enemies, picking up cash and weapons on the way. If you get low on health, just hide for a bit as the health regenerates. Between levels, cash can be spent on upgrades. You can always return to the previously completed levels to earn more cash. To complete a level, kill or spare the enemies while finding the transmitter at the end and destroy it (or scramble it so that any remaining enemies fight each other) before returning to your car, or collect all five items once a transmitter has already been destroyed.

In-game Characters[]

Warning: Spoilers are present.


Name Special Ability Named after?
Jim Greer (Default) Gains at least half as much cash compared to other playable characters, but cannot be killed. Earning all four green badges permanently grants him more money after missions. Jim Greer, co-founder and former CEO of Kongregate.
Emily Greer Gains an extra 25% HP when healing with syringes. Emily Greer, co-founder and former CEO of Kongregate.
Oksana Her incredible ability to detect even the small amount of money means that she gains 20% extra cash from pickups. oksana, Kongregate staff member.
Hellraiser Being a heavy weapons expert, he gains an extra 10% damage when using Rocket Launchers, Miniguns and Explosives. hellraiser, Legends of Kong playtester.
Jim Meenan An expert in media and marketing, he gains an extra $25 from each chest. Jim Meenan, former Kongregate vice president of Product.
Greg His thick skin means that he takes 10% less damage from melee attacks. Greg McClanahan, Kongregate badge designer.
Zach Shadow He likes to dress in black, and blends into dark backgrounds. Gains a 3% chance to dodge enemie missiles. Zshadow
Cassandra Khaw A freelance journalist. She gains a boost to mission completion cash bonuses... even more than Jim! (Likely) Cassandra Khaw, game dev, horror writer, and games journalist.
Ducky Her small size makes it hard to hit, and reduces ranged damage by 10%. Ducklette
Mr. Waffles The proud owner of a huge waffle chain, as years of practice has given him an additional 3 to 7 damage when attacking with his fists. Modeled after Dead Space's Issac Clarke, named after mrwaffles, playtester,
Mojo He has a thing for guns, gaining 20% bonus damage with pistols and revolvers. Mojo
Sarsy A slippery, stealthy character. When manually cloaking with Cloak Trigger, he can hide for twice as long. Sarsy
Afritana She is an expert hacker. When equipped with Auto Hacking, hacking is 3 times faster. Likely Afrikaisi/Afrisloth, a friend of Nerdook
Phoenix He has a deep interest in biology, and has experimental implants in his body that boosts his maximum HP by 25. phoenix (unrelated to the new account with the same name)
Andrew Grim He has excellent technical skills, dealing an extra 20% melee damage to Mechanical enemies. Modelled after a playable character in Nerdook's Demons Took My Daughter. Named after the Technical Director of the same name.
Everlovely A red haired lady with shades and a penchant for shotguns, gaining 10% extra damage when using them. Everlovely, playtester.
SicMirx Nobody has ever seen SicMirx's face and lived to describe it. Gender unknown. Attacks are 10% faster (and deals 10% more damage). SicMirx
Theresa She has an exceptional eye for small details, and gain an additional 10% damage to ranged weapons. TheresaC/Theresa Chein, Creative Director.
Andy Volk* He is highly skilled with edged weapons, and gains 20% bonus damage when using blades. Modelled after a playable character in Nerdook's Zombies Took My Daughter. Named after an early investor of Kongregate of the same name.
Alison Her extraordinary agility means she move 10% faster than anyone else. AlisonClaire

*Note: Andy's stats does not show the amount of bonus damage on the HUD, but his ability still works.

*Note: Alison is also considered the strongest among all of them.


  • Kongrebot - Your average robot companion. He will explain to you the events throughout the game and will wait at your car before completing your level.
  • Oliver - A KongreDog. If you're equipped with the skill Canine Friend, he will follow you around the map, attacking alerted enemies!
  • GlobalTek Industries - The company you believe to be behind your source of grief, they're the biggest arms manufacturer in the world and they supply military-grade products like guns, robotics and Artificial Intelligence to the worlds' government.
    • Kago Mikibitshu - Former CEO of said company, he informs you that there have been recent problems at one of their research facilities, based at the same city you're currently in.
    • Taiki Nakazawa - Current CEO, he'll have a word with you once you're done liberating this city.



  • Brainwashed Civilians - These zombie-like psychos have been converted by a disruptive electromagnetic source somewhere in the city. Although they're weak and unarmed, their strength lies in their numbers. Kill them if you have to, but it's up to you to find their source of wraith and terminate it.
  • The Gangs - These goons have taken advantage of this already chaotic city by spreading further discord and anarchy! Avoid confronting until you have better weapons:
    • Street Punks - They're the shady lot who are not fussy on which weapons they'll use, as they will resort to knives and shivs if they're desperate. Prefers using: Handguns, Switchblades, Shivs.
    • Killer Bunnies - This amazon-esque all-female brigade dislike direct combat, so they prefer using arms while at a distance. Prefers using: Handguns, Shotguns, Machine-gun Pistols, SMG's.
    • Smiley-faced Punks - They'll use blades if they have to, but their first choice would be something a bit heavier to swing around. Prefers using: Switchblades, Shivs, Wrenches, Crowbars.
    • Bird Punks - Bird is not the word! Unlike the other gangs, they'll prefer pummeling you with their fists when they have the advantage. Prefers using: Brass Knuckles
  • Brutes - Slow, stupid, tough, and dangerous. With their raw strength, these guys can easily break you apart at close range. Take them out from a distance or avoid them altogether.
  • Limpet Mines - Rigged by both the gangs and the mercenaries, the traps will, of course, explode when walking over them, but shooting them in the presence of your enemies will deal damage to them instead!

GlobalTek Industries[]

  • Security Droids - These no-nonsense standard-issue guard robots designed by GlobalTek don't normally move around, but they'll attack any encountered enemies regardless of their intentions. Destroy them freely, as they will not count to your survivor rate. Prefers using: Combat rifles.
  • Hunter Seekers - Patrolling probes that will fly towards their targets and attack them with their robotic tentacles, making them difficult to escape. Kongrebot says it's "best to avoid them completely." They do not count towards your survivor rate if ignored.
  • Mutants - The success of an airborne GlobalTek mutagen initially developed as a bio-weapon, they are dangerous foes all with different abilities at their disposal:
    • Claw Mutants - Their main strategy is by using impressive physiology and their clawed arms to damage and flip you up in the air, so it's best to tackle them far away as possible.
    • Slime Mutants - Like the Claw Mutants, it's easier to kill them far ranged, but only because when they die, their pus-filled sac explodes and can damage you nearby.
    • Winged Mutants - These airborne, acid-spitting pests are even more dangerous than the Hunter Seekers, so try not to go in direct combat against them.
  • Mercenaries - GlobalTek's elite security division, their over-reliance on guns makes them easy to confront at close range, so they band in clusters in order to defeat you. Prefers using: Handguns, Machine-gun Pistols, SMG's, Shotguns, Combat Rifles, Sniper Rifles.
  • Guard Dogs - They're speedy, aggressive, fool-proof and have a high sense of smell, so Cloak Trigger won't work on them. However, they're weak in health, so they're better off dealt with with a gun.
  • Assault Mechs - Armed with Gauss Rifles and shoulder-mounted Rockets, they're the last line of defence between you and the research facility. Avoid confronting them until you have heavier fire-power.


All of these mini-bosses are references to Kongai characters. They likely have little to no affiliation with GlobalTek.

  • Andromeda (with a Sniper Rifle)
  • Helene (with a Broadsword, can deflect most projectiles)
  • Rumiko (with a Blade Boomerang)
  • Higashi (with Brass Knuckles)
  • Onimaru (with a Katana)
  • Amaya (with a Flamethrower)
  • Angelan D (with a Silenced Pistol + Cloak Trigger)
  • Popo (with a Sawn-off Shotgun)

That One Final Boss[]

  • The Insane Rogue AI Core - Likely the same guy from Nerdook's I Am An Insane Rogue AI, he is the enemy behind all this madness. Destroy him personally, or wait out and Kongrebot's hacking will shut him down, either way, he'll summon Assault Mechs who could threaten Jim and he's extremely strong himself surpassing even the likes of Jim in terms of power.

In-Game Badges[]

Green Badges[]

  • The Genesis - Complete the first zone
  • Dead Men's Chests - Open a total of 10 chests
  • Value of Life - Achieve at least 3 Pacifist ratings
  • Merciless Killer - Get a total of 99 kills
  • Collection bonus - Collect all four Green Badges and your characters are no longer removed when killed; you have to kick them manually. Jim is now richer and gains more money from completing levels.

Yellow Badges[]

  • Loads of Guns - Collect 20 different weapons
  • The Usual Suspects - Have a companion in every slot
  • End of the Road - Complete the final zone
  • Collection bonus - Collect all three Yellow Badges and your characters get a 50 HP boost, enemy alert times are reduced by 2 seconds, and you gain additional cash from completing zones.

Red Badges[]

  • Upgrade Complete - Purchase all 96 upgrades
  • War and Peace - Achieve Wipeout and Pacifist ratings in all 12 zones
  • Collection bonus - Collect both Red Badges and you unlock Overgrind Mode, where enemies are much tougher and zones are longer!


Legends of Kong - Full Map

Legends of Kong - Full Map

In every zone except the final zone, there are 8 upgrades: 3 equipment upgrades, 2 equippable skills and 3 passive upgrades.


  • Fists - They're your last resort of defenses but with certain upgrades, they can become deadly weapons.
  • Syringes - On the brink of death? Don't worry, with this string you can gain back at least half your health to continue fighting. You start off with one, but you can upgrade so you can have more syringes that are stronger.
  • Chest Upgrades - Although chests will normally have money, sometimes they may reward the following:
    • A weakened weapon (assuming you haven't unlocked that particular weapon yet).
    • +2 HP increase
    • +1 Damage increase

Zone 1[]

Cost: $150 per upgrade

  • Equipment
    • Switchblade - A decent low-level stabbing weapon. It makes a satisfying 'shkkk' sound when the blade is released.
    • Shiv - A low tech makeshift weapon, made by wrapping some rags around a big shard of glass.
    • Brass Knuckles - Adds more weight to any arguments made using your fists.
  • Equippable Skills
    • Power Jump - You can now jump twice as high, to get to those hard to reach places!
    • Auto Healing - Whenever your Health drops below 0, you will automatically use a Health Syringe if available (instead of dying).
  • Passive Upgrades
    • Kill Bonus +$2 - More money is earned by killing enemies.
    • Syringe +1
    • Health +50

Zone 2[]

Cost: $300 per upgrade

  • Equipment
    • Handgun - The first unlockable ranged weapon. Suited as a quick firing, low damage backup arm.
    • Wrench - It may be slow to swing, but it's heaviness makes it well suited for clobbering enemies or bashing their heads in.
    • Crowbar - In peace, the humble pry bar as many uses, one of which is to introduce your enemies to a new world of pain in war. Deals extra damage to Mechanical enemies!
  • Equippable Skills
    • Counter Strike - Automatically adds an extra melee hit that does 33% damage when hit by melee weapons. (Only active when melee weapons are equipped, and is not suited for a pacifist run).
    • Dermal Plating - Reduce damage taken from melee attacks by 25%.
  • Passive Upgrades
    • Survivor Bonus +$2 - More money is earned by surviving enemies.
    • Melee Crit +50%
    • Melee Resist +5

Zone 3[]

Cost: $450 per upgrade

  • Equipment
    • Machine Pistol - A spray and pray Uzi-like weapon. It fires quickly, but bullets'll go all over the place.
    • Fire Axe - Useful during civil emergencies, such as when you need to hack someone's limbs off!
    • Cattle Prod - A non-lethal weapon. Zap your enemies with a high voltage jolt to knock them out!
  • Equippable Skills
    • Bullet Shield - 33% chance to deflect bullets, and reduced from 1 to 5 damage taken from bullets.
    • Speed Reload - Reduces reload time of ranged weapons to 1 second. Useful on more powerful weapons like the Minigun or the Sniper Rifle that are compromised by their reloading speed.
  • Passive Upgrades
    • Syringe Heal +75
    • Ranged Crit +50%
    • Retain Cash +25% - You retain more cash upon death.

Zone 4[]

Cost: $600 per upgrade

  • Equipment
    • Shotgun - The classic (long-barreled, pump-action) Shotgun. Short ranged, powerful, and can most certainly punch through enemies.
    • Revolver - It fires slower for a lesser range than the Handgun and carries less ammo, but the standard snub-nose will deal more damage to your enemies.
    • Baseball Bat - The all-American Baseball Bat. Smacks enemies in the face and sends them flying backwards!
  • Equippable Skills
    • Super Punch - Unarmed/Knuckles do an extra 1 to 10 damage and have significantly more knockback.
    • Cloak Trigger - 3 seconds of Cloak when taking damage (one use per screen). You can also use manually (press c) to trigger a 1.5 second cloak.
  • Passive Upgrades
    • Melee Block +15%
    • Kill Bonus +$5
    • Ranged DMG +10%

Zone 5[]

Cost: $750 per upgrade

  • Equipment
    • Submachine Gun - A burst weapon. Can do a lot of damage very quickly, but chews through ammo, so proceed with care.
    • Silenced Pistol - Like the spies of old, a Silencer will enable you to fire without alerting nearby enemies. Good for isolating single targets.
    • Magnum - This hand-cannon (for the lack of better terms), will fire with huge recoil, with a side effect of punching holes in its target's chest.
  • Equippable Skills
    • Canine Friend - Oliver the Kongredog will follow you around the map, attacking alerted enemies!
    • Kill Trigger - Kamikaze! When killed, you gain an extra $100 for every enemy in sight as they are killed by mini explosions.
  • Passive Upgrades
    • Health +75
    • Ranged Max DMG +10%
    • Survivor Bonus +$5

Zone 6[]

Cost: $900 per upgrade

  • Equipment
    • Katana - A Samurai's best friend. Great for slicing and dicing enemies into bite-sized chunks!
    • Sawn-off Shotgun - Has limited ammo and range, but can fire quickly and do a lot of damage to nearby enemies.
    • Hunting Rifle - Much more accurate than other firearms, and deals a lot of damage to a single target, whether be a human, droid, or mutant.
  • Equippable Skills
    • Pistol Whip - If you have a ranged weapon equipped, enemies that hit you in melee will be pushed back and take damage.
    • Electric Punch - Melee attacks now adds a 25% chance to deal 50 additional damage to Mechanical enemies.
  • Passive Upgrades
    • Melee Max DMG +20%
    • Ranged Crit +100%
    • Syringe +1

Zone 7[]

Cost: $1050 per upgrade

  • Equipment
    • Assault Rifle - A fully automatic rifle. Fires a lot of rounds very rapidly at enemies at a much further range than the SMG at the cost of reloading speed.
    • Crossbow - A unique non-lethal weapon that fires tranquilizer darts. Enemies that are hit will eventually collapse. (Apple on head not included.)
    • Grenade - Can be thrown at enemies, exploding on impact and showering shrapnel all around. Great for ordinance!
  • Equippable Skills
    • Impact Landing - Death from above! Deals damage when you land from enemies. Non-leathal knockout if it reduces Humans below 0HP.
    • Bullets Explode - Every bullet has a chance to deal extra explosive damage, injuring enemies nearby.
  • Passive Upgrades
    • Ranged Resist +10%
    • Melee Resist +10
    • Health +100

Zone 8[]

Cost: $1200 per upgrade

  • Equipment
    • Combat Rifle - Slightly more damaging than the Assualt Rifle, but has the same general purpose: a medium ranged full auto weapon.
    • Blade Boomerang - This returns to your hand after it is thrown, and can pass through multiple targets on the way! (With Speed Reload, you can even throw up to two/three boomerangs simultaneously!)
    • EMP Grenade - Instantly disables Mechanical enemies within blast radius. (Useless on everybody else though...)
  • Equippable Skills
    • Sneak Attack - Automatic melee attacks with an increased critical chance when cloaked. (Requires Cloak Trigger first!)
    • Revenge Rush - Come back with a vengeance: when you drop below 25% of your max HP, you deal 200% more melee damage!
  • Passive Upgrades
    • Ranged Max DMG +15%
    • Syringe Heal +100
    • Melee Crit +100%

Zone 9[]

Cost: $1350 per upgrade

  • Equipment
    • Sniper Rifle - This upgraded rifle is deadly accurate, being able to send a cartridge right through your enemy's squishy brain (or anywhere else really).
    • Sledgehammer - Perfect for demolition work... especially if the thing you want to demolish is your enemy.
    • Booby Trap - Your answer to the thug's limpets. This allows you to place bombs that will trigger when an enemy walks into it. Potentially great fun!
  • Equippable Skills
    • Auto Hack - All Mechanical enemies (including mines) are automatically hacked, losing HP over time. +50% damage using melee weapons when equipped.
    • Super Reflex - Your attack speed is doubled, but damage per attack is reduced by 25%.
  • Passive Upgrades
    • Mutagen Resist - 25% less damage from all Mutant attacks, and Slime Mutant's splatter does less damage.
    • Melee Block +20%
    • Kill Bonus +$10

Zone 10[]

Cost: $1500 per upgrade

  • Equipment
    • Combat Shotgun - The ultimate short-ranged gun, with more ammo, more damage and faster firing speed.
    • Broadsword - The massive Broadsword has a slower swinging attack than the Katana, but deals a lot of damage when it strikes.
    • Molotov Cocktail - A classic riot weapon. Bursts into flames when it shatters, burning any nearby enemies to death.
  • Equippable Skills
    • Bio Absorb - Regains +5% of your max HP for every enemy killed. HP regen is 5 times faster, too!
    • Sneak Expert - When equipped, you have a 100% chance to avoid the mini bosses. All enemy sight ranges are reduced by 1, and Cloak Trigger can be retriggered every 10 seconds.
  • Passive Upgrades
    • Ranged Resist +15
    • Survivor Bonus +$10
    • Health +125

Zone 11[]

Cost: $1650 per upgrade

  • Equipment
    • Rocket Launcher - Fires an erratic blue rocket that explodes on contact with any surface, causing damage in its blast radius.
    • Minigun - Has an extraordinarily high rate of fire, chewing all forms of enemies through its path. (Takes forever to reload, though.)
    • Flashbang - Eplodes in a blinding light and noise when it hits, stunning everyone nearby for 4 to 5 second.
  • Equippable Skills
    • Money Boost - Gain a random amount of extra cash from pickups and chests when equipped.
    • Expand Mag - Double the maximum ammo for all ranged weapons (except the Blade Boomerang)!
  • Passive Upgrades
    • Dodge Bullets - You gain a 10% chance to dodge enemy bullets, avoiding any damage.
    • Backstab - 50% chance of critical hit when hitting unalerted enemies from behind!
    • Ranged Crit +200%

Zone 12[]

Cost: $1800 per upgrade

  • Equipment
    • Power Glove - The ultimate melee equaliser. It amplifies a punch to twenty times its usual strength.
    • Gauss Rifle - Uses magnetic acceleration to fire a pellet so fast that it can punch through concrete.
    • Flamethrower - Lets you spray flames on your enemies, setting them on fire. Instant BBQ!
  • Equippable Skills
    • Mind Hack - Up to FIVE non-mechanical enemies onscreen who are alerted to your presence will have their minds wiped.
    • Expert Medic - Syringes heal twice as much. (Will also permanently add another syringe.)
  • Passive Upgrades
    • Ranged Max DMG +20
    • Retain Cash +50%
    • Melee Crit +200%


Yo Dawg
  Yo Dawg Badge
Easy pts
Legends of Kong » Earn any 2 badges
Kontingency Plan
  Kontingency Plan Badge
Medium pts
Legends of Kong » Earn 3 pacifist ratings and 3 wipeout ratings
It's an Insane Rogue AI
  It's an Insane Rogue AI Badge
Medium pts
Legends of Kong » Confront and defeat the game's super secret antagonist